
Top stories

{{ item.title }}
{{ item.score }} | | | {{ item.kids }} comments {{ item.kids }} comments




Hacker Dig is a tool for digging Hacker News for ideas and success opportunities.

How does it work?

First of all, this tool puts the user into the mindset required for idea digging. If browsing Hacker News directly, the mind quickly shifts to a 'curiosity' or an 'entertainment' mode, and forgets (or doesn't have this purpose in the first place) to interpret everything creatively and look for potentially great ideas and opportunities.

This mindset change on Hacker Dig is done by setting the correct expectations at the beginning (here we dig for ideas) and then creating a particularly limited interface which displays only as much information as necessary for digging, and allows to scan through titles, summaries and comments quickly, and in a plain text mode, without any visual or stylistic distractions.

Inspired by the different topics and concepts from Hacker News, the user can then transform this inspiration into innovative ideas and with a one-click note them in the "Ideas" view of the app. Each new note has a reference to the original HN story or comment.

All ideas are saved as cookies. To archive ideas, you can send them to your email address and then clear the "Ideas" view and start over.

Updates from Hacker News API come every 10 minutes. For summaries extraction, the app uses Aylien API.

Hacker Dig is a PWA app. Based on the CSS grid layout, it can be comfortably used on both narrow and wide screens. You can install install the app on your mobile or desktop device and use it as a native app.

Source code: GitHub

Your ideas are saved automatically as cookies.

You can send all ideas to a specified e-mail address:

  {{ emailFeedback }}

To clear all ideas and cookies, click 
Hacker Dig is a tool for digging Hacker News for ideas and success opportunities.

In the "Top stories" view, click on the title of a story, on its summary or a comment to dig your first idea.

Hacker Dig is made possible by Coinwink - a web app for cryptocurrency price alerts.

Hacker Dig is open source.

More details...